Smart MVR Distiller Technology

Smart SMVR system

Purify the Sea water & River & Ground Water

Solving the global water shortage by distilling sea water, river water and ground water as drinking water.
Eco-friendly with 100% sterilization without chemicals Production of expensive edible salt or industrial salt sterilized by drying concentrated water generated through sea water purification.

Purify the Industrial Wastewater

Industrial wastewater is purified and recycled as Industrial water, minimizing waste water volume. Block the environmental problems caused by waste water (pollution of river, ground water, farm area, etc.)Solving the problem of insufficient industrial water by recycling it as industrial water Reduction of waste water treatment costs

Salts Produced in Sea Water Purification

SMVR-Expected amount of salt production per day by each SMVR models For more info free for feel contact us: [email protected]